Show Awards

Over the years we have entered some of our plants into numerous shows. We stopped this in 2004 following a major health issue. Now, twenty years later, we are once again showing our plants. 

BCSS - Nottingham 1/5/87 Novice Cacti - Pot 3½ & Under (Class 3) Second
BCSS - Nottingham 1/5/87 Novice Cacti - Pot 3½" & Under (Class 3) Third
BCSS - Nottingham 1/9/87 1 Succulent Pot 6¼" & under by a novice (Class 4) Third
BCSS - Nottingham 6/9/88 Novice Cacti - Pot 8" & under (Class 4) First
BCSS - Nottingham 6/9/88 Novice Cacti - Pot 8" & under (Class 4) Second
BCSS - Nottingham 6/9/88 Novice Cacti - Pot 3½" & Under (Class 3) Third
BCSS - Zone 6 Show 20/5/89 1 Plant Cristate or Monstrose Cactus or Succulent (Class 52) Second
BCSS - Leicester 23/9/89 1 Plant Cristate or Monstrose Cactus or Succulent (Class 33) Third
BCSS - Nottingham 5/6/90 1 Cactus - pot 9" & under (Class 2) Third
BCSS - Leicester 6/6/99 Echinocactus Group - 1 plant (Class 22) Second
BCSS - Leicester 6/6/99 Echinocactus Group - 1 plant (Class 22) Third
BCSS - Spalding 19/6/99 Melocactus Group - 1 plant (Class 6 - High Bridge Cup) First
BCSS - Spalding 19/6/99 Ferocactus - 1 plant (Class 14) First
BCSS - Spalding 19/6/99 Cactus - 1 plant (Class 30) Second
BCSS - Spalding 19/6/99 1 Plant Cristate or Monstrose Cactus (Class 32) Second
BCSS - Spalding 19/6/99 2 Pants - Cactus (Class 77 - Novice Cup & Silver Medal) First
BCSS - Spalding 17/6/00 Echinocactus Group - 1 plant (Class 38) Second
BCSS - Spalding 17/6/00 Ferocactus - 1 plant (Class 15) Third
BCSS - National Show Spalding 2000 2000 Echinocactus grusonii - 1 plant Second
Moorgreen Country Show 24/8/02 Cactus or Succulent - 1 plant (Class H88) First
Moorgreen Country Show 24/8/02 Cactus or Succulent - 1 plant (Class H88) Second
Moorgreen Country Show 24/8/02 Cactus or Succulent - 1 plant (Class H88) Third
Moorgreen Country Show 23/8/03 Cactus or Succulent - 1 plant (Class H88) First
Moorgreen Country Show 23/8/03 Best Exhibit in Class H88. Allan Lowe Trophy * Best Exhibit in Class
Moorgreen Country Show 23/8/03 Cactus or Succulent - 1 plant (Class H88) Third
Moorgreen Country Show 24/8/04 Cactus or Succulent - 1 plant (Class H99) First
Moorgreen Country Show 24/8/04 Cactus or Succulent - 1 plant (Class H99) Second
Moorgreen Country Show 24/8/04 Cactus or Succulent - 1 plant (Class H99) Third
Moorgreen Country Show 24/8/04 Best Exhibit in Class H88. Allan Lowe Trophy * Best Exhibit in Class
BCSS - MIdlands 27/7/24 Gymnocalycium Group - 1 plant - Unlimited pot size (Class 29) First
BCSS - MIdlands 27/7/24 Novice/Junior Section. Cactus - 1 plant - Unlimited pot size (Class 41) Second

* Allan Lowe passed away in 2002. The Allan Lowe Trophy was first presented the following year in his memory. I was lucky enough to win it 2003 and 2004.